Patent Transaction

This platform provides patent transaction services including helping patent suppliers to find purchasers and helping patent purchasers to find the resources.

This platform provides patent transaction services including helping patent suppliers to find purchasers and helping patent purchasers to find the resources.

As an intermediary, the platform accepts the following ways of patent transaction:

  • Patent Auction
    Auction refers to the bid of a certain subject with a number of participants by way of price competition. Qualified with the purchasing power and other requirements, anyone can take part in the bid and has a chance to get the subject by offering the highest price. The auction process is relatively transparent and can realize the value of the subject to the largest degree.
  • Tenders and Bids
    Tenders include public tenders and invitational tenders. With authorization of the patent supplier and demander, and strictly following related laws/regulations, the platform will act as a transaction agency to organize the tender. The platform and the patent supplier will mutually prepare the tender documents, and make a announcement containing the concerned patent information. During the invitation period, qualified bidders can register and submit bid documents. The platform will hold a public meeting to open the bid following the procedures as provided for in related laws/regulations. Bid evaluation experts as hired by the platform will decide who wins the bid, and last the patent supplier and demander will exchange the patent and consideration as agreed.
  • Electronic Biddin
    Electronic bidding is similar to the trade of stocks. It take advantage of network technology to set time-limited, consecutive and competitive bidding and to choose the bidder with the highest quote to obtain the patent on basis of principles of price and time priority.
  • Pledge the Patent to Raise Capital
    Currently it is quite obvious that a patent right has high economic value. The owner of a patent right can take his right as a pledge after evaluation and apply to raise capitals from the bank or other finance organizations. The platform provides services of communication with the bank and finance organizations, evaluation of the right and listing clearance after the pledge is completed.
  • Trade as Stockshare
    In this way, the patent technical results will be evaluated as properties and given a price. Combined with other properties (such as currency, real products, right to use the land etc), the patent right owner can treat such results as shares to form a limited liability company or corporation. The platform can function as agents to find proper resources of investment and evaluate the value of the patent.
  • Futures and Option
    Similar to trade of futures, the patent will be taken as a subject object or basic assets, corresponding to product in a futures contract, and the platform will provide a standard contract on the exchange of certain numbers of patent in certain time and place in the future.

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Sales of Patent

The patent holder or the attorney can post patent (or patent package) information on our platform for sale. Here “sale” means paid transfer between different economic entities. The entities can be natural persons or legal entities and the transfer can be divided into the following 4 types:

  • Patent granted in foreign countries owned by Chinese to be transfered to Chinese;
  • Domestic patent right owned by Chinese to be transfered to a foreign entity;
  • Patent granted in China owned by a foreign entity to be transfered to Chinese;
  • Patent granted in foreign countries owned by a foreign entity to be transfered to another foreign entity.

Patent Purchase

Any person or entity who would like to obtain patent right via paid transfer can post purchase need on the platform.